Fox News ends Scott Brown's contract b/c of possible NH Senate run

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Scott Brown with President Obama. (Credit: White House)

Fox News ended its contract with contributor and former U.S. Senator from Massachusetts Scott Brown March 14 because he may run for national office again, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

“Scott Brown’s contributor agreement was officially terminated today once he notified Fox News of his intention to form an exploratory committee to run for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire,” according to a statement from Fox News’ Bill Shine quoted by the Hollywood Reporter.

Fox News has previously ended contracts with contributors who have indicated they are going to be actively involved in politics, as iMediaEthics has written.  Last year, Fox News ended Liz Cheney’s contract because she was planning to run for the U.S. Senate in Wyoming. In 2011, after 60-day suspensions, Fox News ended contracts with Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum because they were both considering runs for president.

At the time of Gingrich and Santorum’s suspension in 2011, Fox News explained to the Los Angeles Times that it had to end the working relationships with the pair to avoid a conflict of interest.

Brown has tweeted about the news, Politico noted.




Brown’s Twitter bio now states in part, “currently exploring a run for the U.S. Senate from New Hampshire.”

According to TV Newser and Politico, Brown renewed his contract with Fox News last month.

Hat Tip: Media Bistro’s Morning Newsletter


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Fox News ends Scott Brown’s contract b/c of possible NH Senate run

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