10,000 Sign Petition for Glenn Beck Off Fox News?

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(Credit: GlennBeck.com)

The Guardian reported that the Jewish Funds for Justice “delivered a petition with 10,000 signatures” in a Jan. 13 protest outside the New York News Corp. offices.

“In the wake of the Tucson shooting, the TV and radio personality has had to defend his record against accusations that he has whipped up hatred within the public discourse,” according to the Guardian.

The group noted on its website that its president and CEO Simon Greer “was not allowed to enter the News Corporation building, or to leave our 10,000 letters for Mr. Murdoch.”

Greer is quoted by the Guardian as saying after the Arizona shooting: “We are not accusing Glenn Beck or Roger Ailes or Rupert Murdoch of pulling the trigger in Tucson, only one man did that. But we are accusing them of playing to the worst in all of us.”

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10,000 Sign Petition for Glenn Beck Off Fox News?

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