3 UK Newspapers Take Down Princess Beatrice Pix after PCC Complaint - iMediaEthics

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Mirroring earlier Press Complaints Commission resolutions involving Kate Middleton’s family and the press, print regulatory body the Press Complaints Commission reported Nov. 8 that the Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail and the Sun all agreed to remove photos from their websites of Princess Beatrice on vacation.

While the newspapers disagreed with Princess Beatrice’s complaint that the pictures invaded her privacy, they still took the photos down and promised not to publish them again. We wrote in September when the Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday and the Sun likewise agreed to take down pictures of Kate Middleton, her sister Pippa and their brother James even though they disagreed with the Middletons’ invasion of privacy claims.

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3 UK Newspapers Take Down Princess Beatrice Pix after PCC Complaint

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