This baby is just shocked at these names (not really he hopefully has never heard any of them) (Photo Credit: Shocked Face by Chris Enns on Flickr)
Media outlets have been tricked by hoax names this month: San Francisco’s KTVU wrongly reported on the fake names of the crashed Asiana Flight 214’s flight crew Captain Sum Ting Wong and Wi Tu Lo; and a Howie Felterbush fooled Florida news outlets with his comments on George Zimmerman’s not guilty verdict.
iMediaEthics has compiled a list of names that journalists should question if ever given to them by a source. The names were invented by the author, remembered from movies and childhood, and found around the Internet.
A good rule of thumb is to say the name out loud and see if it sounds like something naughty, vulgar or irreverent to a twelve year old. And, as with all things in journalism, verify the information before going with it.
Be forewarned. Some people may actually have these names. It is up to you to fact check. This is by no means a complete list; there are many others out there.
- Harry Azcrac
- Pat Maweini
- Craven Moorehead
- Anyone with the last name Cutzurnutzov
- Stu Pitassoe
- Ava Gina
- Phil McCrakin
- Stacy Rect
- Ben Dover or his sister Eileen
- Bess T. Ality
- Connie Lingus
- Fonda Dix
- Clint Torris
- Dick Hertz
- Willie Fisterbottom
- Yandeeda Horgasim
- Maya Normusbutt
- Mike Hawk
- Mike Hunt
- Mike Rotch
- Ivana Humpalot
- Jack Hoff
- Jack Meoff
- Jack Schitt or his half brother Brick Schitt-Hause
- Jay L. Bate
- Dixie Normous
- Drew P. Weiner
- E. Jack Ulate
- Emma Royd
- Buster Hyman
- Eric Shun
- Ophelia Tiittsup
- Fawn Delmee
- Oliver Klozoff
- Harry Balzac
- Monica Blewbilski
- Liz Bien
- Felix Cited
- Harry Ahrmpitt
- Hu Yu Fa King
- Hugh G. Rection
- Hugh Jass
- Hugo Shuvitt
- Etta Peenes
- Iam Pistov
- Long Wang
- Iva Biggun
- Pat McGroin
- Phil Asheeo
- Suk Mi Dik
- Wayne King (in the UK at least)
- Mia Butreeks
- Moe Lester
- Jenny Tayla
- Jon Ahrea
- Kimmy Hed
- Watson Herbusch
- Alotta Fagina
Do you have any others good ones? Can’t figure out what the name sounds like? Let us know.