CPJ Criticizes Equatorial Guinea for Censoring Journalist - iMediaEthics

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Malabo, Equatorial Guinea (Credit: Wikipedia)

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) issued a statement criticizing Equatorial Guinea for censoring “coverage of events in North Africa, the Middle East, and the Ivory Coast,  CPJ announced on its website.

Specifically, the CPJ said it “condemns” Equatorial Guinea for its censorship of journalist, Juan Pedro Mendene, who had “mentioned the Libyan revolution” on air. His comments were on “government-controlled” radio station RTVGE, which reportedly has a policy of “not discussing on events in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Yemen, and Ivory Coast.” CPJ labeled the policy part of a “total news blackout,” but didn’t detail how long it’s been in effect.

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CPJ Criticizes Equatorial Guinea for Censoring Journalist

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