IGN deleting fired editor's video game reviews after more plagiarism claims - iMediaEthics

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Gaming website IGN is deleting additional reviews from former Nintendo editor Filip Miucin after finding more alleged plagiarism in his work.

As iMediaEthics previously reported, Miucin was fired earlier this month from the site after YouTube poster Boomstick Gaming busted him for plagiarizing from his Dead Cells video game review.

In an Aug. 14 tweet, IGN executive editor of reviews Dan Stapleton wrote: “FYI, we’ve seen enough now, both from the thread and our own searches, that we’re taking down pretty much everything he did. It’s a process, but you’ll start seeing stuff come down tonight.”

Kotaku noted that there were several other allegations of plagiarism against Miucin’s work and that in a now-deleted YouTube video, Miucin denied any intentional plagiarism. Further, according to Kotaku, “Even his Linkedin resume is copied from a job template website.”

IGN editorial manager Justin Davis tweeted “Deeply disappointed and upset that it’s looking more and more likely that we unwittingly hosted work that was directly lifted from or at best heavily derived from others. I assure you we are taking very active steps to remove it all, and make it right. I feel betrayed.”

Davis added, “To those asking – All of the author’s scripted bylined content is being proactively removed for now, regardless of whether it was found to have an issue. Some of it may be restored later, some important coverage may be redone by other writers, and much of it will remain offline.”



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IGN deleting fired editor’s video game reviews after more plagiarism claims

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