Fox News's Jeanine Pirro suspended 2 weeks after hijab comments? - iMediaEthics

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(Credit: Fox News)

Fox News has quietly suspended Judge Jeanine Pirro, a week after condemning her comments about Rep. Ilhan Omar.

Pirro’s show wasn’t on Saturday, March 16, and both the New York Times and CNN reported an anonymous source said Pirro was suspended. iMediaEthics wrote to Fox News to ask if it was correct Pirro was suspended for two weeks or if it disputed the reporting. A Fox News spokesperson declined to comment beyond, “We are not commenting on internal scheduling matters.”

On March 9, Pirro asked if Omar wearing a hijab meant she followed sharia law and was “antithetical to the United States Constitution,” as iMediaEthics wrote. Fox News condemned the comments the next day and said “we have addressed the matter with her directly.”

PIrro hasn’t tweeted since March 10.

As iMediaEthics noted previously, UK broadcast regulator OfCom ruled against Pirro’s show in 2015 for falsely claiming Paris had “no-go zones” under sharia law and “non-Muslims just simply don’t go” to Birmingham, England.

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Fox News’s Jeanine Pirro suspended 2 weeks after hijab comments?

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