Ben Stokes slams Sun for publishing story on family murder that happened before he was born - iMediaEthics

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Cricket player Ben Stokes slammed the UK Sun for publishing “extremely painful, sensitive and personal details” about his family from more than 30 years ago. Stokes and his mother are now suing the newspaper for invasion of privacy, according to the Guardian.

The article reported on Stokes’ mother’s ex-husband, who killed their children and then died by suicide. The murder-suicide happened before Stokes, who is 28, was born, the Guardian noted.

The Sun declined to comment to iMediaEthics. We’ve also contacted Stokes’ attorney.

In a Twitter statement, Stokes called the article “low and despicable behaviour, disguised as journalism” and there is nothing “more immoral, heartless or contemptuous to the feelings and circumstances of my family.” He slammed the Sun for sending a reporter to his parents’ home and then publishing it on the front page, and noted there are “serious inaccuracies.”

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Ben Stokes slams Sun for publishing story on family murder that happened before he was born

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