WH official sues Politico over Ukraine stories - iMediaEthics

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White House official Kash Patel is suing Politico and reporter Natasha Bertrand for libel over two October stories claiming he “fed Ukraine info on Trump” and “misrepresented himself to Trump as Ukraine expert.” Patel’s lawsuit alleges the Politico article accused him “of lying, deceit and unethical character.”

Patel is the National Security Council’s senior counterterrorism director. Fox News noted Patel argues he is a private individual not a public figure in the lawsuit.

Breitbart uploaded a copy of the lawsuit, which was filed in Virginia circuit court. Patel calls for $25.35 million. His lawsuit opens by claiming Politico is “one of the very worst offenders in the business” and that the news is now “partisan hacks and character assassins who work to advance the interest and agendas of dark money.”

The lawsuit claims Politico and its reporter “colluded, collaborated and conspired” with Rep. Adam Schiff “to defame Kash.” The lawsuit claims Patel never “communicated with the President on any matters involving Ukraine” before the articles were published and “never supplied any Ukraine ‘materials’ to the President.”

iMediaEthics has written to Politico, Bertrand, and Patel’s lawyer for more information.

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WH official sues Politico over Ukraine stories

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