MSNBC Discloses Relationship to Mitt Romney Company

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(Credit: MSNBC)

MSNBC has started disclosing NBC Universal’s relationship to Bain Capital, which was “co-founded by Mitt Romney,” according to POLITICO.

POLITICO explained that

“In July 2008, NBC Universal, Bain Capital and Blackstone Group bought the Weather Channel for an estimated $3.5 billion – a business relationship that MSNBC anchors have not disclosed until now, according to a search of the Nexis and TVEyes databases going back to 2008.”

According to POLITICO, the relationship between NBC and Bain Capital was disclosed in a Dec. 28 program of “Ed Show” and a Dec. 29 Andrea Mitchell program. That would seem rather late in the game to be disclosing to the public the link between a major network and a potential opponent of the President of the United States.

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MSNBC Discloses Relationship to Mitt Romney Company

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