BusinessWeek 'Kills' Romney Cover

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(Credit: Capital New York, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, New York, screenshot)

BusinessWeek withheld its cover image picturing a bruised Mitt Romney with a black eye and cuts and bruises. New York Magazine, however, went ahead with a similarly themed cover photo of Romney, Barack Obama and Newt Gingrich “bloody and beaten,” Capital New York reported.

While BusinessWeek didn’t publish its cover on the magazine, it did publish it on its Flickr account, noting there that it was “killed.” BusinessWeek explained to Capital New York that the magazine’s editors decided against the Romney cover because they decided to feature a different story they found more newsworthy.

Despite the similar theme,  according to Capital New York, a spokesperson for New York Magazine said the magazine “had not seen the BusinessWeek cover and ran the cover that we thought was most appropriate for the piece.”

Read more on Capital New York here.

Hat Tip: Media Bistro’s Morning Newsletter

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BusinessWeek ‘Kills’ Bruised Mitt Romney Cover

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