PR fox revealed in the CNN hen house! "Superstar" iReporter admits CNN knows she's a PR Flack...but does not disclose it.

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How is Daughters, a CNN "superstar iReporter" posting reports for, ahem, "former clients" ? She tells all .

Leonard Witt’s interview with CNN  “superstar iReporter” , Grayson Daughters…

Witt: So Grayson are you saying you are uploading stealth PR to iReport, which eventually works its way onto CNN proper?Daughters: Let’s just say I’ve done it before. But I have good clients who are making news too. There’s nothing stealthy about it really. The one time I did use iReport for someone else’s purposes, I fully disclosed everything to the person at CNN…

Witt: Of course, you know when this gets posted it could well turn into a ethical firestorm of controversy. It is the fear of every mainstream news organization.
Daughters: PR is always the fox in the media hen house! Nothing’s really changed about that. Where do you think AP gets most of their material? From press releases sent by PR agencies. Shame really. The public has always been duped by PR spin and MSM’s use of it…» more


CNN’s FAQ: “What’s a [CNN] superstar iReporter?”
“The top members on are called superstars. How do we decide who makes the cut? It’s all in the math…”

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PR fox revealed in the CNN hen house! :

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