Chicago Sun-Times Music Critic Fired for Fake Info in Glee! Live Review - iMediaEthics

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The Chicago Tribune reported that Paige Wiser was fired from the Chicago Sun-Times after faking part of her review of Glee! Live.  The Sun-Times noted that she was the TV critic for 3 of her past 17 years with the Sun-Times.

The Sun-Times issued a June 9 editor’s note disclosing Wiser’s firing and noting that the Glee Live! review “included the mention of a song that was not performed and a description of another song that the critic did not witness.”  The Sun-Times’s editor-in-chief Don Hayner apologized for “the incident.”

Wiser reportedly told the Sun-Times she’s “ashamed” and “at fault” for the review.  Wiser explained that she “brought her two young children” with her to the performance, which her editor OK’ed  because her “cute kids’ reaction would be more than welcome.”

One of her children reportedly got sick during the performance so she and her children left the show “13 numbers into the concert.”  But, her review didn’t mention that and instead seemingly covered the entire show.

According to the Tribune, the review has been removed from the Sun-Times’ website.  The Tribune noted that in 1986, the Sun-Times faced a similar situation when its reporter Patricia Smith’s review of an Elton John concert described elements of the concert that didn’t happen.

Hat Tip: Poynter’s Romenesko


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Chicago Sun-Times Music Critic Fired for Fake Info in Glee! Live Review

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