After Tweeting Names of Attackers, Teen Accused of Contempt of Court - iMediaEthics

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(Credit: Twitter, screenshot)

A Kentucky teenager tweeted the names of two “boys who she said sexually assaulted her,” and almost ended up in court over the incident for having “violated the confidentiality of a juvenile hearing,” the Courier-Journal reported.

The Courier-Journal explained that the teenager, Savannah Dietrich, and her parents “waived confidentiality” so the newspaper could interview her. However, the newspaper’s policy typically calls for it not to “identify minors in juvenile court.” Dietrich explained she tweeted about the case because she “felt like they were given a very,  very light deal.” The pair “pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting her and circulating pictures of the incident,” but received a plea bargain.

Reuters reported July 24 that “one of the defense attorneys moved for the court to hold her in contempt” but has “since withdrawn his motion.”

The Courier-Journal detailed Dietrich’s case.

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After Tweeting Names of Attackers, Teen Accused of Contempt of Court

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