AJR on Fact Checking's Importance - iMediaEthics

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American Journalism Review reported on the “rise of the fact-checking movement” and noted its significance in politics.  AJR’s report advocated careful fact-checking and advised that independent fact-checkers research with no political leanings:

“In order to ensure credibility, it’s important that the fact-checkers are guided purely by the facts, not by partisanship or ideology. Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals, must be subjected to the same kind of scrutiny.

“If they are, the fact-checkers will be doing a major public service for a democracy that desperately needs it.”

AJR labeled independent fact-checking organizations PolitiFact.com and FactCheck.org as “good examples of news outlets holding candidates accountable.”  AJR also cited the Associated Press’ fact check of Tim Pawlenty’s comments on Barack Obama and taxes and The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler’s fact check of Newt Gingrich’s $500,000 Tiffany’s debt.

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AJR on Fact Checking’s Importance

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