And You Thought the Palin Fake Photos were Bad:

AsiaOne writes:

Doctored photographs of two Perak DAP assemblymen allegedly performing sexual acts are being distributed via e-mail.

“Tebing Tinggi assemblyman Ong Boon Piow, speaking at a press conference yesterday after lodging a police report on Wednesday, said: “I was shocked when I opened my e-mail to see a nude photo of myself with a woman…

“In June last year, doctored photographs of Batu Gajah MP Fong Po Kuan, Beruas MP and Sitiawan assemblyman Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham, Taiping MP and Pantai Remis assemblyman Nga Kor Ming and former Menglembu assemblyman Keong Meng Sing were also circulated via e-mail.” » more