(Credit: Spokesman Review, screenshot)
As we have written, the Spokane Spokesman-Review was recently ordered to identify an anonymous commenter to a local Idaho Republican Party chairwoman who claimed the commenter defamed her.
The commenter, “Almostinnocentbystander,” had suggested that the chairwoman, Tina Jacobson, was guilty of embezzlement. And, according to a July 24 Spokesman–Review story, the commenter has identified herself three months after Jacobson’s subpoena was filed.
Commenter Linda Cook told the Spokesman-Review that when she posted her comment she “was convinced that it was not false, and it certainly wasn’t said with malice.” Further, Cook explained that she didn’t think her comment was “defamatory” but “a rude question that was highlighting a real problem.”
Cook also questioned if “what you’re bringing out is a matter of public interest, shouldn’t you be able to speak anonymously?”
Hat Tip: Talking Points Memo