AP: Bill Clinton Fact Check Brought up Monica Lewinsky Because of 'Facts'

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(Credit: Associated Press/NYDaily News, screenshot)

The Associated Press explained why it included a reference to Bill Clinton’s perjury charge related to Monica Lewinsky, the Huffington Post reported.

As the Huffington Post explained, “The AP’s fact-check…suggests that because Clinton lied in the late 1990s, he isn’t justified in calling out another politician or campaign for producing an ad that’s untrue.”

But, the AP’s U.S. news senior managing editor Mike Oreskes told the Hufington Post that Lewinsky was mentioned because of “facts,” saying in part: ” We were simply pointing out that as president Clinton had his own challenges in this area.”

Hat Tip: Editor and Publisher

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AP: Bill Clinton Fact Check Brought up Monica Lewinsky Because of ‘Facts’

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