Arthur Brisbane: Why is the New York Times often critical of competition?

Arthur Brisbane used his April 24 public editor column to comment on the Times’ habit of putting down its competition in its news reports.

Ranging from a report on the Los Angeles Times that indicated it is “in steep decline with its audience turning away,” to its coverage of News International’s phone hacking scandal, the Times has been criticized by readers for being critical of its competition, Brisbane wrote.

“In recent months, The Times has slipped a shiv into others on several occasions. Some readers don’t like it when that happens, and I can understand why. It’s unseemly and makes The Times, which is viewed as journalism’s top dog, look like a bully. It’s clear, as well, that some readers expect The Times to apply the same laser-like focus to itself, which doesn’t seem to happen much.”

Among other examples, Brisbane also cited the Times’ back-and-forth with the Huffington Post.