BBC: Stop posting political opinions on social media - iMediaEthics

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The BBC told staff not to post “strong political views” and criticism of other staff members on social media else they be disciplined, the Guardian reported.

“We all have personal views, but it is part of our role with the BBC to keep those views private,” BBC news director Fran Unsworth e-mailed staff, the Guardian reported. “Our editorial guidelines say BBC staff must not advocate any particular position on a matter of public policy, political or industrial controversy, or any other ‘controversial subject’. That applies to all comments in the public domain, including on social media. There is no real distinction between personal and official social media accounts.”

While the Guardian reported that the social media warning came after some BBC staffers tweeted about LGBT issues after a BBC program, the BBC indicated it isn’t related to LGBT issues.

iMediaEthics has written to the BBC for more information about the guidelines.

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BBC: Stop posting political opinions on social media

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