BuzzFeed’s 29 Embarrassing culture errors, One wrong

BuzzFeed recently posted an article entitled “29 Embarrassing Things You Should Absolutely Avoid While Traveling Abroad.”

Unfortunately, BuzzFeed got one of those “things” wrong.

The March 11 list compiled by BuzzFeed staffer Diana Bruk originally included this tip under the Russia section:

“Make sure to give an even number of flowers as a gift.

“Traditionally, an odd number of flowers is given only at funerals. An even number is given for celebrations. That’s why you can often find a man throwing out a flower when he buys a large bouquet.”

Readers called out the error in the comments.

Later that day, the article had been changed but there wasn’t any mention of the error. Now the article reads:

“Make sure to give an odd number of flowers as a gift.

“Traditionally, an even number of flowers is given only at funerals. An odd number is given for celebrations. That’s why you can often find a man throwing out a flower when he buys a large bouquet.”

iMediaEthics has written to BuzzFeed to ask if it will post a proper correction.

UPDATE: 3/11/2014 10:19 PM EST: We didn’t hear back from BuzzFeed but just noticed that the following correction has been added to the BuzzFeed post.

“CORRECTION: Russian custom is to gift an even number of flowers. An earlier version of this post misstated that Russian custom is to gift an odd number of flowers.”