by Sydney Smith on Sep 21, 2012
Will NYT use more blind quotes and anonymous sources given new quote policy?
The New York Times announced Sept. 20 that it is banning allowing a "source or a press aide to review,...
The New York Times announced Sept. 20 that it is banning allowing a "source or a press aide to review,...
The New York Times adds Michael Lewis to the list of journalists having to let politicians approve quotes before he...
Haitian prime minister Laurent Lamothe and a Florida "businessman" claim the Haiti-Observateur's August and September articles were libelous as well...
Bolovia's government claims that Bolivian news agency Fides News Agency's report, published by the agency and two newspapers, on the...
The Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma is holding a workshop Sept. 21-22 on "Covering Suicide." In an email announcing...
British police arrested former UK Times reporter Patrick Foster late last month "related to suspected offenses under the Computer Misuse...
UK newspaper the Milton Keynes Citizen must pay a £900 fine and "compensation to each of the three youths" it...
The Toronto Star's life and entertainment editor Janet Hurley apologized for the newspaper's publication of the f-word in a graphic, Star...
Marquette University, located in Milwaukee, is having a media ethics lecture Sept. 18, according to an announcement on its website. The...