by Rhonda Roland Shearer on Jul 08, 2009
Even Poynter Online was faked out by photo
Will Sullivan's article in Poynter Online accidentally published a fake photo as part of a report about media outlets aggregating...
Will Sullivan's article in Poynter Online accidentally published a fake photo as part of a report about media outlets aggregating...
Blogger unixrat, in a Metafilter post titled, "Ruins of the Second Gilded Age," reported in the comments section his discovery...
9:44pm EST New York : Here is the statement from the New York Times--just in from Diana McNulty, Times Public...
Who said you can't have it both ways? In damage control mode, Washington Post publishes an article and a letter...
It was a shameless publicity stunt and cross-marketing bonanza. The problem was Associated Press went along for ride (or should...
The Washington Post invites you to a "salon." It sounds so lofty (if you are politician or other luminary) or...
Will China and other countries stop buying US Treasury bonds just when we need the cash for bailouts? Christian Science...
Phil Mushnick, New York Post sports writer, also writes about Television ethics--or the lack of them--every Sunday in his column,...
What will the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Journalism and Mass Communication department do in light of the scandal involving the...