Charlotte Church Can Sue over the People's Fake Story She Drunkenly Proposed Marriage

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(Credit: the People, screenshot)

A UK judge agreed that Charlotte Church can sue The People newspaper for libel over a fake story about her, the Guardian reported.

We wrote in January when Church filed the lawsuit over the Nov. 6 story claiming she “drunkenly proposed to her boyfriend while singing karaoke.”  The People did publish a Nov. 27 apology for the article but  Church didn’t give her OK before the apology was published

As the Guardian explained March 15, the newspaper argued that the article’s wrong claims about her being drunk or proposing aren’t defamatory. However, the judge, Justice Tugendhat found that the claims “are capable of bearing the meaning attributed to them in the particulars of claim and that is capable of being defamatory.”

Church’s attorney added that the article suggested Church “made…a very public and embarrassing spectacle of herself.”

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Charlotte Church Can Sue over The People’s Fake Story She Drunkenly Proposed Marriage

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