Fox News and Fox Business Network will no longer have guest Chris Farrell from Judicial Watch on air after his comments broadcast last weekend.
On Oct. 27, after the shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue, Fox Business Network re-broadcast an episode in which Farrell said the State Department was “Soros-occupied.”
In a statement sent to iMediaEthics by a Fox Business Network spokesperson, senior vice president of programming Gary Schreier said: “We condemn the rhetoric by the guest on Lou Dobbs Tonight. This episode was a repeat which has now been pulled from all future airings.” iMediaEthics has written to Judicial Watch for Farrell’s response.
CNN reported, “In the past, Dobbs has referred to Soros as an ‘evil SOB’ and ‘insidious.’ Dobbs has also peddled various conspiracy theories about Soros.”
Last week, Dobbs deleted a tweet calling the bombs sent to Democratic politicians and CNN this month were “fake bombs.”
2/ For those who don't know this world, "ZOG" is a staple of white supremacist/neo-Nazi websites/literature etc. Stands for "Zionist occupied government", i.e., US govt being controlled by Jews. This guy knows exactly what lever he's pulling when he uses this phrase.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) October 27, 2018
Hat Tip: Oliver Darcy
New: Gary Schreier, senior vice president of programming for Fox Business, has just released a statement on this segment: “We condemn the rhetoric by the guest on Lou Dobbs Tonight. This episode was a repeat which has now been pulled from all future airings.”
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) October 28, 2018