Church of Scientology didn't kill Michael Brown, NYTimes corrects

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(Credit: PictorialEvidence via Wikimedia)

Did the Church of Scientology have anything to do with the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri?

Apparently not, but that didn’t stop the New York Times from saying as much via an editing error in an article. If that weren’t bad enough, the Times also added that the hacking group Anonymous was protesting Scientology’s killing of Brown.

A Sept. 21 New York Times correction, spotted by Slate, reads:

“Because of an editing error, an earlier version of this article referred incorrectly to protests by the hactivist group Anonymous. The group appeared at protests against the Church of Scientology and against the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. It did not protest against the Church of Scientology for the killing of Mr. Brown. “

News DIffs, the website that tracks changes to articles by several news outlets, shows that the Times report originally read:

“You can see this merging in the Guy Fawkes masks worn by members of Anonymous, a loose international network of hactivists, at protests against, for example, the Church of Scientology for the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.”

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Church of Scientology didn’t kill Michael Brown, NYTimes corrects

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