CNN Looking into Health Care Error, Waited to 'Confirm' Andy Griffth's Deat

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(Credit: CNN, screenshot)

CNN will examine how it erred in its reporting on the health care ruling, Mediaite reported. As we wrote last week, CNN issued corrections through e-mail, Twitter, and its website after initially reporting that the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act.

An “internal memo,” from CNN’s Sam Feist, noted that CNN has “been entirely transparent” about the error, and is “looking into exactly what happened and we will learn from it., The Washington Post reported.

The memo (see here on Jim Romenesko’s site) acknowledges that CNN “failed to adhere to our own standard, namely it’s better to be right than to be first.,” The Post noted.

Days after the health care error, CNN hesitated to send out reports about the death of actor Andy Griffin on July 3, Mediaite reported.

Mediaite published an internal e-mail from CNN noting that “we are not at a point to confirm the death” and that “CNN does not feel that this information can serve as a confirmation.”

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CNN Looking into Health Care Ruling Error, Waited to ‘Confirm’ Andy Griffith’s Death Before Reporting

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