Connie Schultz, Journalist Wife of Senator, Resigns

Connie Schultz has left the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Poynter’s Jim Romenesko wrote Sept. 19.

Schultz explained that she is resigning from the newspaper because of the conflict of interest that her marriage to U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) poses.  She took a leave of absence years ago when Brown was running for Senate, but came back to the newspaper when he won the seat.  Brown is “up for reelection next year,” according to the Plain Dealer.

In a letter posted on the Plain Dealer website, Schultz explained:

“In recent weeks, it has become painfully clear that my independence, professionally and personally, is possible only if I’m no longer writing for the newspaper that covers my husband’s senate race on a daily basis. It’s time for me to move on.”

She noted that she will continue writing a book, Parade magazine essays, and Creators Syndicate columns. iMediaEthics wrote earlier this month when Schultz apologized for not reporting on her husband’s opponent in a column on a Tea Party event.