(Credit: NPR)
iMediaEthics’ latest round-up of amusing or noteworthy corrections includes errors about the infection rate for coronavirus and Rod Blagojevich’s sentence.
- Den of destruction or dysfunction?
NPR published corrections for three articles that said “den of destruction” instead of “den of dysfunction” related to the book Stable Genius and its claims about Pres. Trump’s presidency.
The three corrections read:
“A previous version of the headline incorrectly referenced a “den of destruction.” In fact, the reference was to a “den of dysfunction.””
2. Rod Blagojevich, the former Illinois governor, was in the news this week after Pres. Donald Trump commuted his convictions. But, he didn’t pardon him, despite an error in an NPR story.
A Feb. 18 NPR correction:
“A previous version of this story incorrectly said that President Trump’s commutation would clear Rod Blagojevich’s convictions. Because he was not pardoned, his convictions will remain on record.”
3. The Boy is Mine?
A Feb. 15 correction from the New York Times addresses the Brandy and Monica hit.
“An article on Page 16 about the actress Zoë Kravitz misidentifies the song she sang as a child. It was “The Boy Is Mine” by Brandy and Monica, not “The Girl Is Mine.””
4. The Montevideo American-News misplaced a decimal a few spots in a story about Coronavirus.
The Feb. 13 correction reads:
“In this week’s My Two Cents editorial, I forgot to move the decimal point when figuring out the death to infection rate of the novel coronavirus. The rate is in fact 2.5 percent, and not 0.025 percent. The death rate for the corona virus is higher than the death rate for the flu. This is why health officials are taking this outbreak so seriously. So far, nearly all of the deaths due to the virus have occurred within China. My sincere apologies for the error; it’s been a long time since I figured percentages. Still no cause to panic, yet.”