Corrections: Ocean Warming study conclusion 'now in doubt,' 17-year-old training for Mars? - iMediaEthics

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(Credit: Flickr/Ervins Strauhmanis)

Below, check out iMediaEthics’ latest collection of interesting, noteworthy or amusing corrections of stories.

1. Ocean warming study conclusion ‘now in doubt’

A New York Times editor’s note from Nov. 15 addressed a Nov. 1 article about research on ocean warming. The study’s conclusion is “now in doubt”

“An article on Nov. 1 about new research and methods for studying ocean temperatures included a conclusion from a study about ocean warming that is now in doubt. The researchers are working to revise their study because of errors detected in their calculations, and it appears unlikely that they will be able to support their original conclusion that the oceans have warmed an average of 60 percent more per year than the current official estimates by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. An updated version of the article can be read at”

2. Seventeen-year-old training for Mars?

No, NASA isn’t prepared to send a 17-year-old to Mars. An Aug. 6 correction from the Sun tries to “set the record straight.” The correction reads:

“On 11 July we published an article headlined “SPACE TEEN NASA prepping 17-year-old Alyssa Carson to become first human on MARS”. We now understand that, although Miss Carson is very interested in astronautics, NASA does not have any formal relationship with her. We are happy to set the record straight.”


3. Wrong Photo with Conviction

California’s KESQ used a photo of the wrong man with a story on a man convicted for beating his girlfriend’s daughter. The Nov. 9 correction read:

“***Correction*** A previous version of this story used an incorrect photo. This has been corrected. The person in the previous photo was from an unrelated story.”

4. No, a Portuguese mayor didn’t appoint a a surfing club member to promote surfing. A Nov. 13 correction from the New York Times:

“The Portugal Dispatch on Monday about the surfing community in Nazaré referred incorrectly to Dino Casimiro’s initial role in the town’s rise to prominence as a surfing destination. He and a group of friends set up a club to popularize the town’s waves; he was not appointed by the mayor at the time to do so.”

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Corrections: Ocean Warming study conclusion ‘now in doubt,’ 17-year-old training for Mars?

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