Daily Mail Photo Editor on Pics of Pippa Middleton, Celebs on Private Property

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Pippa Middleton (Credit: Flickr, "chicagofabulousblog.com")

The Daily Mail says it doesn’t publish the hundreds of daily photos of Pippa Middleton, the sister of Kate Middleton, because there’s “no justification,” according to Journalism.co.uk.

The stance on the photos was revealed by photo editor Paul Silva in a Jan. 11 appearance at the UK Leveson Inquiry into press standards, Journalism.co.uk reported.  Silva explained that ” the newspaper receives 300 to 400 pictures of Pippa Middleton a day, out of around 30,000 in total,” but since they are “pictures of her just coming out of her door every day,” the Mail doesn’t publish them.

Silva’s comments suggested that the newspaper does draw a line on printing celebrity photos.  A property line, that is.  According to Journalism.co.uk, “He would accept a picture of a celebrity on the pavement outside their house, he told Leveson, but not on their driveway.”

Read more about Silva’s comments here.

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Daily Mail Photo Editor on Pics of Pippa Middleton, Celebs on Private Property

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