Dana Eiser on Lawsuit against Righthaven

iMediaEThics wrote about South Carolina blogger Dana Eiser’s June lawsuit accusing the Denver Post, its parent company, and copyright enforcement company Righthaven of barratry and “unfair trade practices.”  Eiser is suing after Righthaven filed a lawsuit against Eiser alleging copyright infringement after a Denver Post column was republished on Lowcountry 912, the blog for conservative grassroots group Lowcountry 912, of which she is president.

Eiser responded to iMediaEthics’ e-mail inquiry asking for further comment about the case.  She noted that her group is continuing its work despite the legal action and that she has “complete trust and satisfaction in Todd Kincannon, my attorney.”

“The LowCountry 9.12 Project is moving forward with our mission of educating the community on issues that affect us both locally and nationally. Our resolve has never been stronger as we feel that our right to free speech was threatened. 2012 is quickly approaching and as a nation, we have a lot of work to do,” Eiser wrote.

iM3ediaEthics e-mailed Kincannon for further comment and will update with any response.