Denver Radio Host pulled off air, station denies it was over Trump comments - iMediaEthics

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Donald Trump in 2016 (Credit: Wikipedia/Gage Skidmore)

Denver radio host Craig Silverman was taken off air in the middle of a show.

Silverman hosts a three-hour show on conservative talk radio KNUS and, according to the New York Times, was told “you’re done” in the middle of his Nov. 16 show. KNUS is owned by Salem Media Group, which identifies itself on its website as “targeting audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values.”

Silverman was criticizing Pres. Donald Trump in his program when he was taken off the air. While news reports said Silverman was fired, KNUS told Denver ABC affiliate The Denver Channel he is an independent contractor and the contract is still in place.

SIiverman told the Times the station didn’t want him speaking on competing shows, even though his contract allowed it.

‘The station, KNUS, appears to have since removed the website for Silverman’s show — the link to it now reroutes to a “404 Error” page. However, KNUS says Silverman’s show has not been canceled, and said “the interruption had nothing to do with his politics,” CNN reported this weekend.

On Monday, Nov. 18, KNUS had set up a live website for Silverman’s show.

According to CNN, KNUS vice president and general manager Brian Taylor said he was taken off the air because he was on a competing station, not because of his Trump comments.

Taylor told CNN, “He decided it was important for him to appear across town, and said so on his program Saturday. That is what prompted our decision to take him off the air … The notion that he was relieved of his program because he criticized President Trump is absolutely untrue. We have never told Mr. Silverman the position to take on Trump and impeachment.”

iMediaEthics has asked KNUS and Silverman the status of his program. We’ve also asked KNUS why it ended his program mid-program, why he was taken off air, and about his non-exclusive contract tweet.

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Denver Radio Host pulled off air, station denies it was over Trump comments

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