Did FBI unfairly target & offer bribe to Bradley Manning activist for WikiLeaks Info?

With the help of the American Civil Liberties Union, David House is suing the U.S. government because Department of Homeland Security agents made copy of his laptop’s contents in an airport, the Washington Post reported. House helped organize the Bradley Manning Support Network, which advocates and accepts donations for Bradley Manning.  The government also reportedly kept his computer, which held his personal passwords, e-mails and Bradley Manning information, for 49 days.

“All these people working for the Manning Support Network, all of a sudden their names are in the open, and that is most worrisome,” he is quoted as saying.

The Atlantic Wire published a Q & A with House in which House claims “the State Dept. and Army CID attempted to bribe” him for information. The Atlantic asked about his claim that he was “offered cash for information.” House answered:

The State Dept and Army CID attempted to bribe me in Cambridge last June, asking me to “keep my ear to the ground about WikiLeaks and the Boston hacker scene” in exchange for an unspecified “large cash reward.” That’s the point where I asked the gentlemen to leave.