Doctor Found Not Guilty of Sexual Assault Charges, UK Daily Mail Apologizes

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The Daily Mail apologized to a doctor for only reporting accusations of a crime -- and not that the doctor was found not guilty. (Credit: Daily Mail)

The Daily Mail issued an apology to Dr. Narendra Sharma Jan. 26 for reporting that he was accused of sexual assault but not reporting that Sharma was “found not guilty of all charges.”  The Daily Mail’s original story from March 30, 2009, was titled “Doctor ‘abused abortion patients’.”

A search of the Mail’s website for Sharma’s name only produces the apology and correction — not the original story.

The Mail apologized: “The trial judge stated that he could ‘leave the Court without a stain on [his] character’.  We are happy to set the record straight and apologise to Dr Sharma for the distress and embarrassment caused.”

The Metro likewise published the same apology to Sharma here.

In an April 2009 article in The Advertiser, Sharma is quoted as saying that the allegations “led to my 80-year-old mother, who lives in India, having a heart attack.

“It is very drastic and embarrassing in India for anyone to be accused of sexual abuse, let alone a doctor.  Anything like this brings shame not just on me but on the whole family.”

Hat Tip: Tabloid Watch

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Doctor Not Guilty of Sexual Assault Charges, UK Daily Mail Apologizes

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