Does a Biased Photographer Shoot Biased Photos? John McCain Photos on Atlantic Cause Controversy

The New York Post’s Ginger Adams Otis wrote

“Controversial celebrity photographer Jill Greenberg, a self-professed ‘hard-core Dem,’ deliberately took a series of unflattering shots of Republican nominee John Mccain for the current cover of The Atlantic – and then bragged about it on a blog…” ‘ Some of my artwork has been pretty anti-Bush, so maybe it was somewhat irresponsible for [The Atlantic] to hire me.’
[Atantic Monthly] “Editor Bennet said, ‘ We don’t vet our photographers by their politics.”In a statement yesterday, Greenberg added, ‘ The pictures speak for themselves. I took the opportunity to create an image which shows my feelings about the Republican administration and possible continuation of the policies of the Bush/Cheney White House.’ ”

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See Greenberg’s blog ,

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