Drudge Report links to Fake Jake Gyllenhaal Tweet Endorsing Mitt Romney

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(Credit: Twitter, screenshot)

The Drudge Report linked to a fake Twitter account purporting to be Jake Gyllenhaal, Mediaite reported.

The post directed to the tweet

“As a Democrat, I’ll say it now, I endorse Mitt Romney For President of the United States #MyVoteIsMake.”

According to Mediaite, the Drudge Report took down its link and headline: “Actor Jake Gyllenhaal endorses Romney …” by Oct. 15 at 8:45 PM. But iMediaEthics found a tweet from the Drudge Report account tweeting to the Gyllenhaal account Oct. 16 at 8:25 PM.

The Twitter account, @Jake_Gyllenhaal, was suspended by Oct. 16 at 4:45 PM.

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Drudge Report links to, tweets Fake Jake Gyllenhaal Tweet Endorsing Mitt Romney

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