Drudge Report links to, tweets Fake Jake Gyllenhaal Tweet Endorsing Mitt Romney

The Drudge Report linked to fake Twitter account purporting to be Jake Gyllenhaal, Mediaite reported.

The post directed to the tweet

“As a Democrat, I’ll say it now, I endorse Mitt Romney For President of the United States #MyVoteIsMake.”

According to Mediaite, the Drudge Report took down its link and headline: “Actor Jake Gyllenhaal endorses Romney …” by Oct. 15 at 8:45 PM. But iMediaEthics found a tweet from the Drudge Report account tweeting to the Gyllenhaal account Oct. 16 at 8:25 PM.

The Twitter account, @Jake_Gyllenhaal, was suspended by Oct. 16 at 4:45 PM.