FCC Reports New Net Neutrality Rules

The Federal Communications Commission OK’ed new net neutrality rules yesterday.

Computer World explained some of the official guidelines:

“The rules, pushed by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, prohibit broadband providers from blocking legal Web content, and they prohibit wired providers from unreasonable discrimination against Web traffic. The exempt specialized, or managed services, offered by broadband providers and exempt mobile broadband providers from the prohibition on unreasonable discrimination.

According to Ars Technica, the “details of [the FCC’s] new net neutrality Order” will be revealed “in stages.”

The Wall Street Journal noted that an exception to the new rules allows “Internet operators” to charge more for “faster access.” iMediaEthics wonders, if this is the case, how is this net neutral? We are waiting for details and will report on this important  regulation change again soon. Reuters reported: “Under the rules, the blocking of legal content would be banned but providers like Comcast and Verizon Communications can ‘reasonably’ manage their networks and charge consumers based on levels of Internet usage.”

PC Mag summarized the rules, saying that “Telcos are angry, net neutrality purists are irate, but these new FCC rules are a pretty good deal for the average American.”  See PC Mag’s analysis here.

UPDATE: 12/22/2010, 9:22AM EST:  Quote from Reuters story added.

UPDATE: 12/22/2010 10:39 AM EST: Added quote from PC Mag.