Former CIA Officer Jeffrey Sterling Indicted, New York Times Reporter Says He Didn’t Out His Anonymous Source - iMediaEthics

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As Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press reported, former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling “was indicted last month for allegedly providing a New York Times reporter with classified information.”

New York Times reporter James Risen claimed he “did not give away the identity of a former CIA officer who appears to have served as a confidential source for Risen’s 2006 book ‘State of War,’” Politico reported.  “Risen’s attorney, Joel Kurtzberg of Cahill Gordon in New York, would not confirm that Sterling was a source for Risen,” Politico reported.

“However, Kurtzberg was emphatic that Risen did not disclose any of his confidential sources to the government in connection with its investigation.”


CORRECTION - June 25, 2015 10:52 AM EST

CORRECTION: : Corrected media brief headline: Sterling has been indicted not convicted. We regret the error.

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Former CIA Officer Jeffrey Sterling Indicted, New York Times Reporter Says He Didn’t Out His Anonymous Source

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