Fox & Friends called El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras '3 Mexican countries' - iMediaEthics

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(Credit: Bad Fox Graphics, screenshot)

Fox & Friends called El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras “3 Mexican countries” in an on-air graphic this morning.

The graphic referenced the State Department cutting off foreign aid to the three countries, the Hill noted.

The Twitter account @BadFoxGraphics posted an image of the graphic at 7:18 A.M.

A Fox News spokesperson pointed iMediaEthics to its correction on air.

Fox & Friends apologized on air for the “inaccurate graphic,” with guest host Ed Henry saying:

“Now we want to clarify and correct something that happened earlier in the show. We had an inaccurate graphic onscreen while taking about this very story. We just want to be clear, the funding is being cut off to the three Central American countries. We apologize for the error – it never should’ve happened.”

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Fox & Friends called El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras ‘3 Mexican countries’

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