Fox News apologizes to Greta Thunberg for 'disgraceful' comments by guest - iMediaEthics

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(Credit: Fox News)

Fox News apologized after a guest repeatedly called Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old climate activist “mentally ill” on air.

On Fox News, the Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles called Thunberg a “mentally ill Swedish child.” Thunberg has Asperger’s.

“The comment made by Michael Knowles who was a guest on The Story tonight was disgraceful—we apologize to Greta Thunberg and to our viewers,” a spokesperson for Fox News told iMediaEthics. Fox News also confirmed they have no plans to book Knowles.

In response, guest Chris Hahn slammed him saying “you’re a grown man and you’re attacking a child, shame on you..Relax skinny boy, I got this, you’re attacking a child, you’re a grown man, have some couth.” Knowles doubled down saying “I’m attacking the left for exploiting a mentally ill child.”

To that, Hahn said, “maybe on your podcast you get away and say whatever you want ’cause nobody’s listening. You’re on national television. Be a grownup when you’re talking about children. She’s trying to save the planet because your president doesn’t believe in climate change and kids need to take to the streets to worry about their future. You are despicable for talking about her like that and you should apologize on national television right now.”

Knowles responded again calling her with “many mental illnesses.”

The video is below. iMediaEthics has written to Knowles.

On Twitter, Knowles himself shared the video clip of his comments and wrote: “Her mother wrote a book about her mental issues. There is nothing shameful about living with mental disorders. What is shameful is exploiting a child—particularly a child with mental disorders—to advance your political agenda.”

Earlier this summer, Australian columnist Andrew Bolt called Thunberg “deeply disturbed” and said, “I have never seen a girl so young and with so many mental disorders treated by so many adults as a guru.”

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Fox News apologizes to Greta Thunberg for ‘disgraceful’ comments by guest

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