Fox News Retracts Story that linked Student's Death with Obama Appearance

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Huffington Post captured a screenshot of a Fox News story about a GWU suicide before the network retracted and removed the story. (Credit: Huffington Post, Fox News, screenshot)

Fox News retracted a story about a George Washington University student’s suicide, POLITICO reported.

Accordng to the Huffington Post, the original headline for the Fox News story was “GWU Suicide Tragically Coincides with Obama Speech” and later labeled the suicide a “tragic coincidence.”

The retraction followed a complaint from university officials.  An unnamed Fox spokesperson is quoted as telling POLITICO that “nothing was factually inaccurate” about the story, but GWU spokesperson Candace Smith is quoted as telling POLITICO that the “story drew conclusions that were not accurate.”

The student’s death was reported at the same time President Barack Obama spoke on campus.

The full text of the story is available on GWU’s student newspaper the Hatchet’s website.

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Fox News Retracts Story that linked Student’s Death with Obama Appearance

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