French Mag Retracts, Apologizes for Misquoting Megan Fox, Sites including N

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A French magazine has apologized for misquoting actress Megan Fox, Gossip Cop reported.

The magazine, Jalouse, reported for an April story that Fox said, “I live well with my image. I cannot complain. I would not trade my place with an unattractive girl.”

The quote was picked up by a variety of sites including the New York Daily News.

As Gossip Cop noted, she immediately challenged the reported comments, explaining “I gave this interview in English obviously. It was then translated to French and now back into English.”  The apology and retraction reads: “In a Jalouse cover story featuring Ms. Megan Fox, we unfortunately misquoted Ms. Fox. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.”

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French Mag Retracts, Apologizes for Misquoting Megan Fox, Sites including NYDaily News Reported Wrong Quote

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