(Credit: Globe and Mail, via Newseum, screenshot detail)
Globe and Mail public editor Sylvia Stead joined “many readers” in complaining about the newspaper’s March 18 front page photo of a teenage figure skater Kaetlyn Osmond. Osmond, 17, is pictured kicking her leg up in the air above her head.
“I agree with them that it was not an acceptable photo for the front page,” Stead blogged, arguing that there must have been a better photo that was “more dignified.”
Likewise, Globe and Mail managing editor Elena Cherney told Stead that the picture “was an unfortunate choice.”
“This will be part of an ongoing conversation in the newsroom around picture and image selection,” Cherney is quoted as saying.
Osmond was OK with the photo, commenting on a radio program that “I don’t mind the photo,” according to Stead. But, Stead called for “greater care” in photo selection.” She blogged:
“In my view, the editors need to stop and think about these shots whether in skating, diving or gymnastics. The strength of these photos is that they show strong bodies in motion, but you should ask yourself if you would want yourself pictured this way. Greater care needs to be taken on the front page than on any other because it is essentially the front door.”
UPDATE: 3/19/2013 10:45 AM EST: See below a fuller version of the front-page, via Newseum.