Gambian Journalists Advised on Standards - iMediaEthics

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The Daily Observer reported that Gambian journalists have been advised to fairly report during upcoming elections. (Credit: AllAfrica, screenshot)

Journalists in Gambia have been reminded of their duties to follow journalism standards in reporting on the upcoming elections, the Daily Observer reportedAccording to Afrique en Ligne, Gambia will have a general election in late November.

According to the Daily Observer, Independent Electoral Commission communication officer Joseph Colley told the journalists at a Sept. 21 “media capacity building programme on election reporting” that journalists should have “fair access” to candidates.  Colley added that the commission doesn’t plan to set “financial limits on party political advertising in the print media.”

Colley advised journalists to report “fair, accurate and comprehensive” articles, avoid presenting propaganda, and quickly correct any errors.  He also recommended journalists “be equally critical in their analysis and reporting.”

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Gambian Journalists Advised on Standards

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