Gawker Settles with Sarah Palin's book Publisher over Copyright Infringement Lawsuit

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According to Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, “Gawker published images of several pages from advance copies of” Sarah Palin’s book.

The book was published Nov. 23.  A judge required Gawker to remove the book pages from its website last weekend, Media Bistro reported.

The Daily Beast reported that Gawker published 21 pages of the book and that Gawker claims fair use, whereas Palin’s publisher, HarperCollins’ accuses Gawker of copyright infringement.

Gawker and HarperCollins settled the copyright infringement lawsuit Nov 23, the Washington Post reported.  “The publisher, which had sought financial damages, said Tuesday that Gawker had agreed to keep the images off its website.  HarperCollins declined to give further details of the settlement, but said in a statement that it was ‘gratified,'” the Post reported.

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Gawker Settles with Sarah Palin’s Book Publisher over Copyright Infringement Lawsuit

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