German TV Station Confuses Star Trek Logo with Navy SEAL Logo

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German TV station N24 aired a Star Trek logo instead of a Navy SEALS logo. (Credit: GeekOSystem, screenshot)

German TV news station N24 confused the logo for Navy SEAL Team Six with that of a “fan-made logo for the Maquis,” a Star Trek group,  Gawker-owned blog io9 reported.

Star Trek fan news site noted that the news anchor, Mick Locher, “didn’t seem to notice (or care) that the skull in question [on the logo] was from a Klingon and included a bolted-on eyepatch.” suggested the mistake was the result of a “sloppy Google image search” and added that “TrekMovie can confirm that Star Trek’s Maquis were not involved with the mission to take down Osama bin Laden.”

Hat Tip: Regret the Error

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German TV Station Confuses Star Trek Logo with Navy SEAL Logo

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