Guidance for Reporting on Islam, Muslims in the works - iMediaEthics

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(Credit: IPSO, screenshot)

UK press regulator the Independent Press Standards Organisation will create new guidance for journalists on reporting on Islam and Muslims this year.

iMediaEthics wrote to IPSO to ask for more details including what has been suggested thusfar and what issues will be addressed. An IPSO spokesperson said, “This guidance is in the early stages so we can’t share anything further.”

IPSO announced its plan in a January blogpost listing the organization’s goals for the year.

“In October 2018, we began working towards producing guidance for journalists on the reporting of Islam and Muslims in the UK, an area of broad political and social concern. The guidance will help journalists to report on a sensitive area, whilst also ensuring that it does not impinge their right to criticise, challenge or stimulate debate,” IPSO said. IPSO is working with “an informal working group,” journalist and relevant organizations to create the guidance, which should be released in the fall, IPSO said.

Other goals for IPSO this year include monitoring and advising in reporting on major incidents (like terrorist attacks), the courts and domestic violence, IPSO said. IPSO also indicated it may create guidance for reporting on domestic violence given the “social impact.”

Hat Tip: Press Gazette

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Guidance for Reporting on Islam, Muslims in the works

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