Inquistr Adds Daily Mail to ‘Watch List’ after Being Hoaxed by Fake Interview

After being hoaxed by a fake Sir Roger Moore interview published by the Daily Mail, Inquisitr senior editor James Johnson told iMediaEthics by email that Inquisitr has added the Daily Mail to its internal “Watch List’ of questionable news outlets.

According to Jones, the “Watch List” was created by editors to help their writers behind the scenes “question any materials they read from certain publications.”

“That list now includes the Daily Mail,” Johnson told iMediaEthics.

Other publications on the list made it there for publishing “a lot of retractions” or if they are biased. “If a story leans to far left or two far right we ask our writers to approach with skepticism or find other sources on the opposite side of the discussion to also quote in their stories,” Johnson explained.

Johnson noted that the site uses the list to “ensure the ethical reporting of materials.” The goal is to diffentiate “fact vs. fiction vs. uncertainty.”

iMediaEthics has reached out to Moore’s lawyers for comment and will update with any response.